Follow the Son--the song by Hillsong United

Here's the song and words. Click on the arrow in the middle to play.

From the album: Mighty to Save DVD

Note the crowd. God is acting through his people in amazing ways all over the world. Through music and all parts of our lives!   As many in the world are moving away from God, even more are turning to him.  Good music inspires and "stirs" the soul.  For many, motorsports (racing and the sound of the internal combustion engine at wide open throttle) does the same. (see below)

Racing Crowd at US Grand Prix 2001
Photo by by Rick Dikeman with permission

The Prize--Chasing the Dream

Go to

A story how several men set their priorities. The story of six football (soccer) players who followed the ball to the ultimate prize--and new life.

Link to Video by Christian NASCAR Spint Cup Drivers

Click on the link/title below. Excellent testimony.

Seconds - I Am Second