One Way to Enjoy Life More

One thing you will see regularly in automobile racing is collisions. Often, as a contestant, the other drivers involved seem to be either careless, self-centered, vindictive, or maybe just plain dumb and stupid. It is far too easy to become angry and then to hold a grudge. The anger is what takes the enjoyment away--not the competitor's action.

Competition can be a life adventure or a conflict. It all depends on your attitude. If you see it as conflict, and you are the winner, the result can be a temporary and fleeting sense of superiority. On the other hand, if you see competition as a conflict, and you are denied a victory, your attitude can turn sour very quickly.  And an angry man with a sour attitude can never be happy. 

Anger is a natural emotion. It can actually he healthy for short periods. But, if allowed to exist for more than a very short time it causes us to be imprisoned. Let anger go, set yourself free by forgiving others. 

Some will recall the terrible tragedy that occurred in 2006 at an Amish school house in Nickle Mines, Lancaster County, PA.  The most notable aspect of the story was that the families of the victims expressed forgiveness. Nickel MinesTradegy

Listen to Matthew West--Forgiveness

Link to Matthew West's song with lyrics

Like Matthew West sings, learn how to "love the unlovable".  Not for their benefit, but for your own happiness. It is one of the ways to Enjoy Life More.

Jesus taught this more than 2000 years ago.  And, St. Paul wrote:

Colossians 3:13New Living Translation (NLT)  "Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who offends you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others."

What Happens When You Die?--Part 2

In my last article, I addressed the issue of our final state, after Christ's Second Coming. And, you must know, that not everyone agrees on whether the unsaved are tormented forever, or just destroyed and eliminated forever.

But, there is less disagreement in regards to what happens immediately upon our death, before Christ's Second Coming.

Jesus himself tells us.  The first time, He tells us through a parable in Luke 16:19-31 known as the story of the Rich Man and Lazarus. (The Rich Man went to Hades and was in torment; Lazarus went to Paradise.) Then during the Crucifiction, in a conversation with the other two men on the cross (Luke 23:41-45) “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Two possible outcomes: Paradise or Torment.  We get to choose. 

Dr. Charles Stanley expands on it in his sermon:  (click on link)
Dr. Charles Stanley Sermon on What Happens after Death

This subject took on a special significance for me in March, this year (2016).  I was diagnosed with colon cancer.   After my diagnosis, I had to wait until my surgery to find out whether the cancer had spread or was contained. The question in my mind was: "Will I live a few more years, or is my death just a matter of a few months away?"

Unless our life is taken by an unexpected and tragic accident and/or our life ends suddenly, almost everyone will confront that same question. No matter what the answer, your mind will invariably focus on a more important question: "What Happens When I Die?"

The Bible answers the question. Whether you believe what it says depends on whether you believe Christ's own words. And the credibility of His words depends on which of the three descriptions you accept about Him:

X) He was a liar. Or the people who wrote the Bible made things up.

Y) He was a lunatic. Crazy. Out of His mind.


Z) Everything He said was and is TRUE!!! 

Happy to report that my cancer was contained and removed totally by the surgery. (Praise God!)  But, understanding where I was ultimately headed (as a Saved Born Again Follower of Christ) gave me great Peace and Courage. I was not afraid. Everything that Jesus said is true:

John 14:27New International Version (NIV)

27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.