Competition can be a life adventure or a conflict. It all depends on your attitude. If you see it as conflict, and you are the winner, the result can be a temporary and fleeting sense of superiority. On the other hand, if you see competition as a conflict, and you are denied a victory, your attitude can turn sour very quickly. And an angry man with a sour attitude can never be happy.
Anger is a natural emotion. It can actually he healthy for short periods. But, if allowed to exist for more than a very short time it causes us to be imprisoned. Let anger go, set yourself free by forgiving others.
Some will recall the terrible tragedy that occurred in 2006 at an Amish school house in Nickle Mines, Lancaster County, PA. The most notable aspect of the story was that the families of the victims expressed forgiveness. Nickel MinesTradegy
Listen to Matthew West--Forgiveness
Link to Matthew West's song with lyrics
Like Matthew West sings, learn how to "love the unlovable". Not for their benefit, but for your own happiness. It is one of the ways to Enjoy Life More.
Jesus taught this more than 2000 years ago. And, St. Paul wrote:
Great blog!!! This definitely applies to me as my anger too often gets the best of me, thank you for this blog.