
For most of us, particularly for us who live in the frigid north, February is the time that most racers are engaged in the activities of “preparation” for the upcoming racing season. There are many things to do.  This year, those who did not use head and neck restraints are making an investment in a new “device” that will be required by SCCA in 2012. Need to check the date stamps on the safety equipment and be sure the fire suppression system is functional.  We need to be sure those race car batteries are properly charged. Now is the time we decide to make those “competitive improvements” to our cars. And, don’t forget to sign up and register for applicable contingencies available from sponsors. It’s also a time to get the trailer more organized and maybe even upgrade the tow vehicle and hitch.
For some like me, this is also the time to get physically prepared. Starting out at a weight of 235 pounds in October, I’m now down to 200…diet, exercise and determination do work!  In order for me to be competitive in my tiny Formula Vee (1025 pounds, with driver) I need to lose another 15 pounds. I am doing old fashioned military style calisthenics (push ups, sit ups etc.) and building up endurance on our antique Nordic Trak and Schwinn Airdyne.  My heart rate and blood pressure are much lower.  
The Bible is full of stories about the importance of preparation. The first is in Genesis 6 where God gives Noah instructions of how to prepare for the Flood. Noah did everything just as God commanded him.
Another story is in 1 Chronicles 22 where David is told that he cannot build the Temple, but that his son, Solomon will. David helps insure that Solomon is ready for the project by making extensive preparations before David’s death.  
In 1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) we are taught “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”  To me, this means “preparing” by spending some time reading the Bible (the Word of God) and thinking—organizing your thoughts so as to be able to clearly explain to others why you know you are on your way to eternal life in Heaven.
Our activities related to “preparation” here on earth remind me that our life here..everything we do here.. is really all about preparation—preparing for our journey to Heaven. In John 14:1-4 Christ himself tells us that he is going to our “Father’s house” to “prepare a place” for us and that he will come back for us!
When we are preparing our race cars and ourselves for winning the next race and trophy, let’s never forget the more important goal of pleasing God and winning the most important race and prize as taught in  Philippians 3:14 (NLT) “press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

Be Prepared!

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