
Part of life is hope and expectations. Another part of life is the disappointment we experience when what we hoped for or expected does not happen at all or fails to meet the high level of our expectations. Much of the Old Testament is filled with stories of disappointment—put there for the purpose to teach us. Stories about Joseph, Moses and David come to mind. All were beloved by God, but all experienced disappointment. Usually disappointment is centered on people and/or circumstances.

For a racer, there is hope that the car and driver will perform flawlessly. There is an expectation that any and all challenges will be met and overcome. In other words, “success” is the goal—measured by victory or just “going fast”. I had high hopes for my “new” car. My expectation was that it had been perfectly prepared by one of the most experienced Formula Vee racers in the US and that it would perform flawlessly. (It also had set the fastest lap at the SCCA National Runoffs.) I hoped (and expected) that I would adapt to the car as quickly as I had “found speed” with the Formula cars at the Skip Barber Racing School in December. Alas, I experienced a bit of disappointment. The car did not handle like I expected it to handle—it had some unusual quirks that made me suspicious of some sort of mechanical problem that might affect safety. The threads for the lugs nuts on one brake drum stripped and I had to replace the brake drum—in a hurry with little time and a lot of mental pressure to meet the time deadline. No time to install the spindle reinforcement bushing—creating a higher than expected concern for spindle breakage. The left rearview mirror unexplainably became loose and I was “blind” on one side. I decided prudence was the better part of valor and I was “slow”. (I am not used to being “slow”.) To say the least, I was disappointed. On the other hand, I could see God’s providence throughout the trip and I was very thankful. But, still, I was disappointed.

Sometimes it is difficult for us to understand why God does not answer our prayers and just “favor” us so everything turns out they way we expect it to turn out! But it is important to remember that the most important time for our faith to be strong is when we are disappointed and confused about what God might be doing in our lives.

Disappointment comes when we have an unreasonably high level of expectations for people or we allow our joy to be dependent on circumstances beyond our control. We should think of disappointment as a test permitted by God to see if we will continue to trust HIM, obey HIM and love HIM, recognizing that our true joy is dependent only on our relationship with God. It is also a way that God deals with our excess Pride.

According to Dr. Paris Reidhead, the enemy uses disappointment as the “tip of the spear” in his battle to defeat us. Disappointment leads to Discouragement that leads to Disillusionment, then to Depression and finally Defeat.

So what’s the remedy for disappointment…As usual, the answer is in the Word..

Trust God and Be Thankful.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 “give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”


Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

Just like Joseph, Moses, and David, God will provide for you and in the end, as sure as Summer follows Winter, for those your love God, place their trust in Him and call Jesus their Lord, God will not disappoint.

Have Faith

Credit to http://bible.org/seriespage/chapter-14-dealing-disappointment  and Author Vickie Kraft who provided the inspiration for and many of the ideas presented in this message.

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